- Description: Lifeline 4 Cable Pull Switch
- Cable Length: Up to 75m
- Product Model Selection: Lifeline 4 , Suited for lengths up to 125m, lid mounted Emergency Stop Button
- Contacts (Safety and Auxiliary): 3 Normally Closed, 1 Normally Open
- Conduit Entry: M20 Conduit
Santa Clara Systems specializes in hard-to-find parts. Choose from our overstock inventory and save on 440E-L13042 . Santa Clara Systems carries 54,834 items from Allen Bradley.
Common Typos
- 440E-113042
- 440E-11304Z
- 440E-113O42
- 440E-113O4Z
- 440E-1I3042
- 440E-1I304Z
- 440E-1I3O42
- 440E-1I3O4Z
- 440E-1L3042
- 440E-1L304Z
- 440E-1L3O42
- 440E-1L3O4Z
- 440E-I13042
- 440E-I1304Z
- 440E-I13O42
- 440E-L1304Z
- 440E-L13O42
- 440E-L13O4Z
- 440E-LI3042
- 440E-LI304Z
- 440E-LI3O42
- 440E-LI3O4Z
- 440E-LL3042
- 440E-LL304Z
- 440E-LL3O42
- 440E-LL3O4Z
Appended Numbers
- 440E-L13042-A
- 440E-L13042-B
- 440E-L13042-C
- 440E-L13042-D
- 440E-L13042-E
- 440E-L13042-F
- 440E-L13042-G
- 440E-L13042-H
- 440E-L13042-I
- 440E-L13042-J
- 440E-L13042-K
- 440E-L13042-L
- 440E-L13042-M
- 440E-L13042-N
- 440E-L13042-O
- 440E-L13042-P
- 440E-L13042-Q
- 440E-L13042-R
- 440E-L13042-S
- 440E-L13042-T
- 440E-L13042-U
- 440E-L13042-V
- 440E-L13042-W
- 440E-L13042-X
- 440E-L13042-Y
- 440E-L13042-Z
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