- Description: Controller | MicroLogix 1100
- Product Type: Programmable Controller
- Weight: 0.9 kg (2.0 lbs)
- Analog Input - Data Type: 10-bit Unsigned Integer
- Analog Input - Resolution: 10 Bit
- Analog Input - Voltage Range: 0...10.0V dc - 1 LSB
- Digital Input - On-State Current (0-3 | 4 high-speed DC inputs): Min.:2.5 mA @ 14V DC | Nom.:8.8 mA @ 24V DC | Max.:12.0 mA @ 30V DC
- Digital Input - On-State Current (4 & higher | 6 standard DC inputs): Min.:2.0 mA @ 10V DC | Nom.:8.5 mA @ 24V DC | Max.:12.0 mA @ 30V DC
- Digital Input - Voltage Range (0-3 | 4 high-speed DC inputs): 14...24V DC (on-state) 0...5V DC (off-state)
- Digital Input - Voltage Range (4 & higher | 6 standard DC inputs): 10...24V DC (on-state) 0...5V DC (off-state) DC (off-state)
- Dimensions: Height: 90 mm (3.5 in.), 104 mm (4.09 in.) (with DIN latch open) | Width: 110 mm (4.33 in.) | Depth: 87 mm (3.43 in.)
- Input Circuit Type: Digital: 24V DC sink/source (standard and high-speed) | Analog: 0...10V DC
- Load Current: 10 mA (minimum)
- Number of I/O: 12 inputs (10 digital and 2 analog) and 6 outputs
- Output Circuit Type: Relay
- Power Consumption: 52 VA
- Power Supply Inrush Current: 120V ac: 25 A for 8 ms | 240V ac: 40 A for 4 ms
- Power Supply Voltage: 100...240V ac (-15%, +10%) at 47...63 Hz
- Relay Output - Max. Controlled Load: 1080 VA
- Relay Output - Turn on/off Time: 10 msec (maximum){scan time dependent}
Santa Clara Systems specializes in hard-to-find parts. Choose from our overstock inventory and save on 1763-L16BWA . Santa Clara Systems carries 54,834 items from Allen Bradley.
Common Typos
- 1763-1168WA
- 1763-116BWA
- 1763-11G8WA
- 1763-11GBWA
- 1763-1I68WA
- 1763-1I6BWA
- 1763-1IG8WA
- 1763-1IGBWA
- 1763-1L68WA
- 1763-1L6BWA
- 1763-1LG8WA
- 1763-1LGBWA
- 1763-I168WA
- 1763-I16BWA
- 1763-I1GBWA
- 1763-L168WA
- 1763-L1G8WA
- 1763-L1GBWA
- 1763-LI68WA
- 1763-LI6BWA
- 1763-LIG8WA
- 1763-LIGBWA
- 1763-LL68WA
- 1763-LL6BWA
- 1763-LLG8WA
- 1763-LLGBWA
Appended Numbers
- 1763-L16BWA-A
- 1763-L16BWA-B
- 1763-L16BWA-C
- 1763-L16BWA-D
- 1763-L16BWA-E
- 1763-L16BWA-F
- 1763-L16BWA-G
- 1763-L16BWA-H
- 1763-L16BWA-I
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- 1763-L16BWA-K
- 1763-L16BWA-L
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- 1763-L16BWA-P
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- 1763-L16BWA-S
- 1763-L16BWA-T
- 1763-L16BWA-U
- 1763-L16BWA-V
- 1763-L16BWA-W
- 1763-L16BWA-X
- 1763-L16BWA-Y
- 1763-L16BWA-Z
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